Beginning this October 12, 2013 you can become a One Command-One Day Seminar Facilitator in our live online training in 2 short months and be ready to launch in the upcoming year ...
Get started on a new career or add this training to your existing practice.
That's right - anywhere around the world you can become a fully certified One Day - One Command Seminar Facilitator and bring the masterful, easy and powerful teachings of The One Command to the world.
The One Command Online One-Day Seminar Facilitator Training begins October 12th so apply RIGHT NOW to become certified by The One Command organization to teach this fantastic process - create a career - make money- help others doing what you love!
We get calls every day asking how I can become trained in The One Command process to take it out to my community! We are excited to announce the opportunity has arrived beginning 2013 on October 12th.
Here is your opportunity to learn a powerful One Command System!
Become certified to teach the process!
Have a complete delivery system for your seminar!
Your Facilitator's package provided at graduation includes:- Power point presentation to teach the event
- Facilitators outline
- Stories and exercises to share with your participants
- And a well developed system to teach The One Command and the Six steps to theta in ONE DAY!
- A total package - A total business - Ready to Go
- Marketing Scripts and Strategies to Promote your Business and the seminar
Simply apply to become a One Command Facilitator - we want to talk to you in person and find out about you and your interests and if you qualify we'll get you registered for the training!

Asara Lovejoy, author and founder of the teachings of The One Command and the Directors of www.theonecommandlife.com, Dr. Katie Garnett and Bonnie Strehlow will take you step-by-step through the philosophy, practice and skills to become your own One Day - One Command Seminar Facilitator.
This seminar is Highly targeted to teach a revolutionary process that enables people to do everything - shift into theta, command your mind, imprint your body, reprogram your cells, activate new success DNA - with ASTONISHING speed, ease, and control.
You may be interested in becoming a One Day - One Command Facilitator and start training others in this phenomenal new system to add to your existing business or to start a business. Or you may want to take this intense and comprehensive Certification for your own personal growth. In 2 short months you will be trained and certified to teach the One Day - The One Command and charge for your events.
Yes EVERYONE can benefit fromThe One Command empowerment training..
This is the perfect time when we are under such financial challenges around the world to engage in a total re-write of fear and lack programs into great personal and financial success! Enjoy a new career where you are doing everything you are meant to be doing at a new level of fulfillment and optimism about your bright future and a higher level of income.
Have you ever had that feeling that you are doing OK but there is still something missing - what more can I be doing such as earning a great income almost effortlessly? We have found the right formula to deliver a fantastic transformational seminar to the world with great information and powerful, positive results! You can become the FACILITATOR for this event with our intense and comprehensive 8 week online training!!
"Asara Lovejoy brought her innovative, One Command® program to our team with hugely motivational and beneficial results. Our Consultants had a record year and increased their income two to three times. We won more business than we pitched for by putting what Asara taught us into practice."
Moira Benigson, President - Executive Search, UK
"Working with Asara from the inception of our business in imagining what was possible, clearing our limiting beliefs, and refocusing our energy into making it happen, has brought us a multimillion-dollar business that we started from just an idea. We celebrate!"
Anna Pauly, President - Kriana Corporation
"At first it was hard to believe that The One Command® was actually increasing my income and my business. After a continuous increase in cash - paying off $45,000 in debt and making more than $90,000 in income, I now believe! And it can work for you too."
Aeron Goldheart, CEO - America Choose Love
The BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY to become a Certified One Day - One Command Facilitator has never been offered in such a step by step format delivered right to your door - until now!,
...and The One Command process is easy to share and teach with the guidance you receive during this Online Live TeleCourse.
In 8 weekly online training calls, with materials, videos, guided practices, questions and participation you increases your skill and ability to not only become certified in our program but have a transferrable teaching skill in any system.
In addition, you'll have a complete Facilitators' Package including a power point presentation, facilitators outline and teaching notes.
Simply click here to apply to get your new business started. We want to meet you on the phone and see if you like what we offer and if we are a good fit! When you are approved for the Training we'll immediately get you registered. We just need a little information to get started and we'll call you directly for your interview.
Quick Apply Now to be able to start Ocotober 12th
Here is what some of our graduated Leaders and Facilitators have to say:
At Asara's The One Command leadership training, I found an easier way to access my Greater Capacity to shift old limiting beliefs as I created new beliefs, new realities, new possibilities. Asara helped me ground and integrate these changes so that I have confidence I can sustain as I return home to my family and work a day world.
As I reflect over my life, I appreciate how so many past challenges have been resolved during the training and I am ready to practice The One Command personally and professionally.
Christina ZM Golden, MD - USA Colorado
Dear Asara,
When I came into The One Command Leadership program I believed I was coming into a training that would show me how to teach and disseminate - inform on The One Command to others. What I hadn't realized was how much self-development and growth I would also be getting.
I've discovered parts of myself that I thought I'd sorted out years ago which were nonetheless still running my life at an unconscious level. It's been great to find methods to take control, undo old habits and re-script my life.
I feel I've shifted my attitude towards my early programming from a position of weakness to one of power. Thank you Asara for everything you've created and co-created with me and everyone here.
With much love,
Annie - UK England
Whilst at the leadership course I realized that The One Command is a great opportunity to take my life to the next level, in all areas of my life. I feel more confident, energized and open to receive all that is coming to me. Thanks Asara for showing me the way. I will certainly take this all into the world to enhance the lives of others.
Lorraine Wright - South Africa

There is no better time then RIGHT NOW to ADD the newest approach to actualize and realize your human potential in yourself and others through this easy online certification program. We created this worldwide online training to answer the requests for the OPPORTUNITY to teach and share The One Command many have made and look forward to creating a great relationship with you as one of our new One Command Seminar Facilitators.
Please fill out our simple application form to become one of our successful leaders around the world. We just need a little information to get started and we will call you directly for your interview.
Once you are qualified and accepted into the Leadership program you may soon be sending out a flier like this one to promote your own One Day - One Command Event.
Discover Your RICH BRAIN for Your Success and Leave Your
Poor Brain Behind
On this 60 minute call with Asara Lovejoy, author of The One Command you'll discover your "Rich Brain" that brings you immediate success.
Did you know that you have an untapped portion of your mind?You could call it your "Rich Brain" and you'd be right. This is the part of you that can find answers to seemingly unsolvable problems, stop a negative thought, bring calm and peace into any situation, and accomplished it all with a sense of peace and ease. Asara Lovejoy, a world leader in the human potential movement and author of The One Command says, "This may not seem possible but it is true and I love sharing this discovery with people."
- Negative thinking is a natural function of our logical thinking process, what neuro science calls the "beta mind." This is the predominate brain state we operate in when we are awake, alert and acting and reacting to our day. Negativity will never completely disappear because the job of the logical mind is to compare and contrast. You have to look at both sides - good and bad.
- Human beings are hard-wired for success and people can engage in that greater success when they learn the process of accessing their "theta mind." The One Command and six-easy-steps is the process to access the theta mind that Asara discovered during her devastating financial crises. This simple yet powerful process helps people get around conventional problems and discover new solutions fast and effectively.
- During the One Day you'll discover the benefits of thinking in theta that are numerous and specific to your greater financial wellbeing and success! More peace of mind, less stress, renewed sense of purpose, a greater connection to others and heightened trust in your decisions.
- The science is in on our innate ability to change an old subconscious thought or program and redefine what you want to think instead. The One Command process allows people to do this in moments rather than years.
- Confidence comes from within... What would your life be like if you had confidence to meet any adversity knowing that you could find a solution and implement new ideas easily? And the knowledge that you can bring your hopes, wishes, dreams and desires to fruition? Pretty wonderful, Yes! And this is a new way men and women can do just that.
- Turn around your personal economy... Many people have changed their devastating financial problems from the down turned economy as well as healing issues in their family, and improve personal relationship and health issues with The One Command. Over 300,000 folks have applied this technique around the world and emails arrive daily with success stories from different languages, cultures and nations.
We discovered an almost seamless way for you to take a training and begin to teach by not only providing you with the knowledge, information and skill set but in addition you'll have your Facilitators Start Up Package that includes your One Day Power Point Presentation, Facilitators Outline with timing for delivery of each section, stories and practices to share during the day and of course the comprehensive teaching of The One Command and the Six Steps to Theta.
After the 8 week program you'll know:
- The background and history of why and how The One Command works and what the quantum field has to do with it's success.
- The three Parts to The One Command
- The Secret behind the Power of the Six Steps
- How to Form Your Commands
- Processes to Clear Limits and Instill Success
- The Biology of Activating Your Success DNA
- Increased Skill Set to Guide and Teach Others
- Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Presenting
- Become a Certified One Day-One Command Seminar Facilitator
- Question and Answer Sessions with Your Coaches
- A great relationship with The One Command Leadership
- Continuing Support for Your Success
Please fill out our simple application form to become one of our successful leaders around the world. We just need a little information to get started and we will call you directly for your interview.
I always love to share what Nightingale-Conant the top firm in motivational and human potential programs for over 50 years has to say about The One Command and Asara Lovejoy...
"THIS STUFF IS AMAZING." Under the right conditions and with the right guidance, you can...
PROGRAM your ENTIRE SELF with both the desire AND the instructions for achieving, attracting and creating ANYTHING you want.
I first started hearing about Asara from our Nightingale-Conant customers. Letters and phone calls started coming, a few at first, then more than I could keep track of.
The gist of all of them was same: This woman is an incredible teacher; she is teaching something that has never been taught before; her six-step process works and it changes people's lives FAST; the rest of your customers need to know about it.
I decided it was worth taking a serious look at who Asara Lovejoy was and what her work was all about. And what I discovered blew me away...
In her seminar, Asara teaches a revolutionary process that enables people to do everything - shift into theta, command your mind, imprint your body, reprogram your cells - with ASTONISHING speed, ease, and control.
This streamlined and extremely powerful process - it involves just six simple steps - causes complete, multi-level, and HIGHLY TARGETED transformations to take place almost instantaneously.
The results can be really incredible..."
It is a great opportunity to become a leader on the cutting edge of the newest information on our planet at this time and I personally look forward to working with you when you attend our One Day - The One Command Facilitators Online Training. Say yes and get started right now!
Warmly yours,
Asara Lovejoy.
P.S. Once you apply and are accepted we send you our GETTING STARTED MP3 MATERIALS right away even before the course begins!
P.P.S. Call the office directly if you have any questions or want more information at toll free US 855- 862-4636 (TOC-INFO).